Rye Bread

Warm the milk to lukewarm.
Mix the flours and salt in a large bowl.
Make a well in the middle and put in the yeast, then honey, then oil, pour on the warmed milk and water and mix.
When it gets doughy turn out on to a well floured surface (it will be extremely sticky) and knead for 10 minutes. You will need to keep adding flour as you knead. It is better for it to be too sticky than too dry – you can always add more flour, but too dry will make a dry, hard loaf.
After 10 minutes, put it back into the bowl with a plastic bag over it and leave in a warmish place for two hours or so.
Then knock down, firmly pressing out the air, but not over kneading, then form into two or three loaves on a baking sheet, cover again and leave to rise for another hour.
Bake for 30 minutes at 375F until they sound hollow when you tap on the bottom of the loaf.
Cool on a wire rack.
Warm the milk to lukewarm.
Mix the flours and salt in a large bowl.
Make a well in the middle and put in the yeast, then honey, then oil, pour on the warmed milk and water and mix.
When it gets doughy turn out on to a well floured surface (it will be extremely sticky) and knead for 10 minutes. You will need to keep adding flour as you knead. It is better for it to be too sticky than too dry – you can always add more flour, but too dry will make a dry, hard loaf.
After 10 minutes, put it back into the bowl with a plastic bag over it and leave in a warmish place for two hours or so.
Then knock down, firmly pressing out the air, but not over kneading, then form into two or three loaves on a baking sheet, cover again and leave to rise for another hour.
Bake for 30 minutes at 375F until they sound hollow when you tap on the bottom of the loaf.
Cool on a wire rack.